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Extending Care For Your Child

Our Extended Care program is an important ministry to families with working parents/guardians, and we are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for children before and after school. The following has been adopted due to increased enrollment to help us prepare for spacing, staffing, and engaging activities for students. 

Student Classification

Students will be considered “Registered” or “Drop-in” for Extended Care. 

  • A student may be REGISTERED if he/she consistently attends Extended Care for a minimum number of hours per week on a regular schedule. The fee for registered students is $10.00 per hour, with a minimum of $10.00 each time a child is signed in. 
    • The minimum hours for a K-8 student to be eligible for REGISTRATION is 10 hours per week. 
    • The minimum hours for a preschool student to be eligible for REGISTRATION is 5 hours per week. 
    • Examples of schedules: 
      • Kindergarten through 8th grade: Every morning from 7:15-8:00 am (3.75 hours) and every afternoon from 3:30- 4:45 pm (6.25 hours). 
      • Preschool: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00-8:45 am (2.25 hours) and 3:00-4:30 (3.5 hours)
  • A student is considered DROP-IN if he/she has inconsistent attendance in Extended Care and/or attends less than 10 hours per week. The fee for Drop-in Extended Care is $12.00 per hour for each child, with a minimum fee of $12.00 each time a child is signed in. 
  • A child’s registration status can change if it’s determined that a child is not consistently attending to meet the 10 hour or 5 hour minimum for the discounted rate. Parents/Guardians may register at any time if the family schedule changes. 


Minimum Fees: Once a child is checked into Extended Care, a minimum fee of $10 (for Registered) or $12 (for Drop-in) is assessed. 

Late Fees: Extended Care closes promptly at 5:30 pm. A late fee of $25.00 will automatically be assessed in the system at 5:31 pm. An additional $2.00/minute fee will be charged. That fee is paid directly to the staff member(s) who are working. 



Adjusted Schedules

  • At times, Extended Care will close early. Closures will be communicated in Extended Care newsletters and will be displayed as a pop-up when a child is dropped off or signed out in Extended Care for at least 1 week before the closure. 
  • Early closures include the following dates: 
    • Half Days: Extended Care closes at 3:30 pm
      October 4, December 20, and March 7
    • Special Events: Extended Care closes at 4:30 pm
      December 11 (K-8 Christmas Program)
      January 31 (Variety Show)
      May 2 (STEAM Fair)                                                                                     Other events as determined throughout the year
    • No Extended Care on the following dates: 
      August 1: First day of K-8 
      August 5 (PS): First day of PS (K-8 EC is open)
      May 16 (PS): Last day of PS (K-8 EC is open)
      May 21: Last day of K-8

Expectations & Locations

  • More information will be provided about Extended Care as we settle into the school year. Expectations for behavior and billing are consistent with the expectations for classroom behavior and tuition billing. 
  • All morning Extended Care takes place in the north end of the Life Center. Parents/Guardians must walk students to the door for drop off and sign their child in using our FACTS system. 
  • Afternoon Extended Care for K-8 also takes place in the north end of the Life Center. Parents/Guardians must pick their child up from the Extended Care door and sign their child out using our FACTS system. 
  • Afternoon Extended Care for Preschool is in our Preschool wing in room D108 (Mrs. Amling’s classroom). Parents/Guardians should use the double-glass doors on the north side of the preschool (across from the gym). 

Contact Extended Care Director